Tips to Beat the Heat...


This summer is going to be even worst as compared to past summer seasons. This summer is expected to break all the records of this decade so we have to be prepared to beat the heat so as to keep ourselves physically and mentally healthy.

So if you are required to stay out for long time here are some tips which will help you beat the heat:

1.Consume as much liquid as you can because during summers, liquid in our body tends to evaporate more quickly so to compensate the water loss from body, consumption of water has to increase. It can be in the form of juices, shakes and lemonade the good old nimbu pani.

2.Cover your exposed body parts like face and hands before going out in open sun. apply sun scream lotion to exposed body parts, it will
protect your skin from harsh rays of sun.

3.Put some right summer clothes, try avoiding wearing synthetic or nylon Clothes, put stress on wearing some light colored loose fitting cotton fabrics.

4 Wear a nice pair of sunglasses, they will protect your eyes from harmful Ultraviolet radiation emitting from sun. Avoid using cheap sunglasses.

5 Try to avoid heavy and spicy food and keep your diet light because heavy and protein rich food increase metabolic heat production and thus increase water loss.

6. Last but not the least stay calm because to be mentally active you need a cool head to do that try to relax and have some refreshing cool drinks and beat the heat.


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