This summer is going to be even worst as compared to past summer seasons. This summer is expected to break all the records of this decade so we have to be prepared to beat the heat so as to keep ourselves physically and mentally healthy.
So if you are required to stay out for long time here are some tips which will help you beat the heat:
1.Consume as much liquid as you can because during summers, liquid in our body tends to evaporate more quickly so to compensate the water loss from body, consumption of water has to increase. It can be in the form of juices, shakes and lemonade the good old nimbu pani.
2.Cover your exposed body parts like face and hands before going out in open sun. apply sun scream lotion to exposed body parts, it will
protect your skin from harsh rays of sun.
3.Put some right summer clothes, try avoiding wearing synthetic or nylon Clothes, put stress on wearing some light colored loose fitting cotton fabrics.
4 Wear a nice pair of sunglasses, they will protect your eyes from harmful Ultraviolet radiation emitting from sun. Avoid using cheap sunglasses.
5 Try to avoid heavy and spicy food and keep your diet light because heavy and protein rich food increase metabolic heat production and thus increase water loss.
6. Last but not the least stay calm because to be mentally active you need a cool head to do that try to relax and have some refreshing cool drinks and beat the heat.
Tips to Beat the Heat...
Labels: jee | author: vattaThe Health Benefits Of Weight Training...
Labels: jee | author: vattaWeight lifting is not as many people take it to be. This is because for weight lifters, they engage in the process just for the purposes of developing strong chest and arms muscles. But there is more to this, weight lifting involves compound exercises and they end up adding more advantages to the body health and the routine in general. This is why you find most weight lifters having good health and developing huge bodies even without their knowledge and in a very short span of time.
Weight lifting for both men and women is taken as a good choice for body builders to prevent certain bone diseases. This is because; when weight lifting you have to use a lot of strength and energy and the bones in the process get a level of strain. They are well stretched and therefore grow normally in the process avoiding retarded growth. A research conducted and monitored by students from University of Arizona showed that, both men and women can be able to maintain and build the bone mass and strengthen their muscles around the spine and hip areas from weight lifting. This was seen as an advantage since this is where most fractures and injuries occur on the bones and therefore prevents osteoporosis disease. The study further indicated the necessity of the weight lifting exercise giving it a plus for helping to build and maintain a preservation of the muscle mass usually lost when aging.
There are more benefits to these about weight lifting. The exercise generally helps a body builder to ensure the attainment of the desired shape through weight loss. This means that, lots of fats are burned during the exercise ensuring good and effective toning of the body and giving it the desired shape. It is important to note that, the more lean muscle a person has, the more amounts of calories he or she burns even when resting and this is the concept which weight lifting uses for success.
Weight lifting is also among the prescribed exercise to improve the moods of an individual. Due to steroid use among many body builders, the side effects bring bout anger and aggressiveness in an individual. This is where weight lifting becomes more necessary since it serve the vigorous purpose. When lifting, the aggressiveness used lowers the tension in an individual and therefore brings the moods back to normal. Though this argument has not being medically proven, to some extent it works for the weight lifters in controlling their aggressiveness.
Among other benefits include an increase in strength of an individual, emphasizing on the muscle endurance when training and sustenance of general good health of the body builder. This is what makes weight lifting a success and places it under a high rank and maintains it as the most popular type of a body building training. However, always remember that weight training cannot do it alone for successful body building but a combination of the different elements of body building makes the whole process a success and improves the urge of a body builder to have more and more of the routine...